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Expedite cryptocurrency analytics using CT Pro. The enhanced visualizations and auto address clustering allow investigators to easily follow cryptocurrency funds and connect to real-world identities.


Our innovative technology analyzes crypto addresses on the blockchain for known threats and associations with criminal activity. Over 28 blockchains are supported and 270+ risk factors are checked during every search.

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Automated Address Clustering

Address clustering and exchange address attribution are key components of cryptocurrency investigations. CT Pro automates this process within seconds. This allows investigators to quickly identify the flow of transactions to an exchange and prepare legal demands to obtain Know your Customer (KYC)

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The UTXO (Unspent Transaction Output) model is a design common to many cryptocurrencies, most notably Bitcoin. It’s based on individual transactions that are grouped into blocks. UTXO is an unspent transaction output that is used as an input to a new transaction. Tracking UTXO transactions can be complicated because a sender’s wallet often creates a new address to receive unspent bitcoins back to their wallet. For investigators, this process is known as change address analysis. CT Pro expedites this analysis by labeling the change address.

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Coin Flow allows investigators to easily track cryptocurrency hops and visualize the transaction flow of the searched address.

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Scam Reports

Our advanced analytical tools scan and monitor millions of blockchain transactions daily. We have also partnered with industry leading organizations to obtain scam reporting data. Individual users of CT Pro can report scam addresses. This allows our team to link cases together and coordinate with investigators that are working the same scam.

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